Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) manifesto for the European Elections 7 June 2009

For a new Greece part of a new Europe of freedom, of economic development and democracy

Four urgent questions in need of clear answers

After 50 years of European integration the citizens of Europe face a triple crisis, a crisis of identity, a crisis of purpose and a crisis of means.
Today the Citizens of Europe ask persistently these questions: Who are we?, where are we heading? How will we get out of the current crisis? What means should we use to escape this stalemate?

Liberal Alliance believes that all the political parties should provide answers to these questions, particularly during the campaign for European Elections, and submits this manifesto to the voters, thus contributing to this crucial debate.

Who are we?
- The values of the Enlightenment is the basis for our common European identity

The 'European Community' identity was nearly clarified during the decades of Cold War, during a period where the European Community member states were democracies as opposed to the totalitarian regimes of Eastern Europe of the time.

But the collapse of communism and the successive enlargements that included the previous Eastern block countries, and the commencement of entry negotiations with Turkey, placed the current European institutional framework in question. They also raised the question of the limits that European Union can be extended to.

Liberal Alliance considers that this identity crisis, presents an opportunity to return to the values that founded the liberal western societies, the values of Enlightenment, of democracy, of the rule of law, of the human rights protection and a free market economy.

This European identity puts foremost the freedom of the citizen to enjoy inalienable rights (life, property, the pursuit of happiness) and his or hers rights to freedoms (of conscience, of opinion of expression and self-determination), that are limited only by personal responsibility. A European identity can not but rely on Humanism, this fundamental value of Enlightenment that demands respect of human dignity, tolerance and acceptance of different ways of life (of languages, of civilisations, religions and nationalities) within a broader society.

For Liberal Alliance these values shape our common European identity that has been the drive of the impressive progress of liberal western societies.

Where are we heading? How can we move past the current crisis?
- Our common European vision of economic growth, the entrenchment of freedom, of the rule of Law in Europe and the world
- Reform Now!

More and more citizens face the European Union, with disappointment and disbelief as its purpose and aims become less and less apparent and understood.

The political leadership of the member states, bear the responsibility for this current state of affairs as they do not explain in public the decisions that together agree to in Brussels. Instead they appear in their domestic audiences surprised about these very same decisions siding with the populist opposition to European Union.

For Liberal Alliance, we, the people of Europe want to live harmoniously, preserving our identity, our common principals and our route to prosperity.

However this preservation of our identity, principals and prosperity should not be taken for granted as new challenges place them in constant danger.

In particular, today we see two new phenomena: On the one side large parts of the world are escaping poverty and previously developing states take a more prominent role in the world stage, and on the other the re-emergence of ideologies that encourage new forms of totalitarianism, of protectionism and xenophobia.

European Union faces these conditions fractured and politically weak.

During a severe international economic crisis, European leaders appear to be interested only for their narrow national interest or, worse, for their re-election whilst nine years before these same leaders were agreeing to the Lisbon agenda, the implementation of which would make the European Union by 2010: 'the most dynamic and competitive, knowledge economy with the most and better jobs and social care system in the world'.

It is more than obvious that even if these aims where partially achieved, Europe would be better prepared to face the current economic crisis. Unfortunately since 2005, European Leaders confessed their inability to face the structural problems of Europe and progress towards the targets they themselves have set.

Today European leaders have no common policy and disparately move towards the wrong direction, as for the first time in decades, economic protectionism muttered in European countries threaten to reverse the progress of free trade the last 50 years.

Liberal Alliance contents that the current crisis brings to light and exacerbates the structural problems of European Union, each of its member states. It is time for European leaders to face the current political and economic challenges by redirecting their policies from the ineffective subsidies (e.g. CAP) to policies encouraging growth and freeing up the internal market, fighting monopolies, regulating the financial sector, protecting human rights, fighting corruption and crime and the advancement of a more coherent foreign and defense structures.

It is also time for the European leaders to understand that the crisis may challenge and even destroy the monetary union if this is not complemented by a political union of Europe. This imbalance will lead to the collapse of both the European integration and the monetary union as they will keep on undermining each other.

Liberal Alliance proposes a Federal Europe, the political integration of Europe through a European constitution, which will found the United Countries of Europe and will remodel the current European institutions to a new federal system

What means should we use to move away from the stalemate?
-We need the United Countries of Europe and re-orientation of European policy

Today, the institutions of the European Union have reached their limit in terms of effectiveness and democratic accountability. The European citizens consider them distant, bureaucratic and undemocratic whereas the national governments crave for the powers they had to hand over to the European institutions.
The Lisbon Treaty, successor to the not so innovative treaties of Maastricht, Amsterdam, and Nice, details the modernisation of the European Union through clarity, efficiency, and democratic safeguards. Still the Lisbon treaty does not reform the current institutional framework, and does not resolve the conflict of European and national powers. The Lisbon treaty although a step in the right direction for the European integration, deals with only part of the problems and provides inadequate solutions.

Liberal Alliance considers that the common European identity and the common European vision as stated in this manifesto, can be best served through a politically integrated Europe, a Federal Europe by the United Countries of Europe that will adjust the current institutions to a federal system.
Liberal Alliance submits these proposals for the public debate :

-All current Treaties should be replaced by a simple and clear Constitution, protecting the fundamental rights of European citizens, and establishing Institutions with clearly defined powers in the European (federal), national (state), and regional level. A federal Europe will mean 'less government' as it will strengthen the democratic institutions in the national and regional level whilst the federal institutions will act only when this action provides clear benefits.

- The European Parliament should be replaced by a bicameral legislative congress: The European parliament of representatives and a European Senate, which will be granted extended duties and authority.

- The European Council should be abolished and the European Commission should be transformed to a European (federal) civil service and each commission department to a federal department .

- The creation of the office of the President of European Union elected by the European Parliament who will appoint the Secretaries of Federal Departments

-The remodeling of the European Court and the European Court of Auditors and the European Central Bank to Federal Institutions.

-The remodeling of the Europol to a Federal Police force, for the fighting of interstate crime and the creation of a single European Army for the defense of the outer borders of the federal Europe.

-The reorientation of the European policies from the counterproductive subsidising (e.g. CAP) to policies of growth, of fighting monopolies and oligopolies, freeing up the internal market, promoting competition, regulating the financial sector, fighting corruption and crime, protecting the fundamental human rights and advancing more coherent foreign and defense policy.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yes to open shops on Sunday 28/12 (and every other Sunday too)

Liberal Alliance press release 26 December 2008

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) supports for the recent measure to allow the shops in Athens to open for business, on Sunday 28 December 2008 (last Sunday of the year) and demands that this measure is extended for the rest of the country, and for the rest of the year.

Liberal Alliance will stand by any shopkeeper that will work this day, against the irrational and hostile behavior they experienced during the week from the Greek Government the opposition parliamentary parties of the opposition and the unions

The inalienable right to work, the contribution of businesses to economic growth and event the democratic process does not seem to be acknowledged from certain unions of shop workers. Some of them invaded the conference room of the Athens Prefecture during a meeting of the council of the prefecture on Wednesday 24 December 2008, and forcibly reversed the decision from the Greek Ministry of Development, and forced the Council of the Prefecture first to confirm that the shops would stay closed.
Then the Prefect Mr. Scouros, changed the decision again to allow the opening of the shops only within the borders of the Athens Municipality.

Liberal Alliance have repeatedly concluded that businesses in Greece is neither recognized nor rewarded but the there is a constant hostility against them and against any lawfully made profit. Within this negative climate for businesses, the damages from the recent riots, the 25% drop in sales, and the heavy taxation, opening the shops on Sunday is a matter for survival for the shops and the only rational course of action.

At the opposite end from anyone who demonizes any business activity, Liberal Alliance contents that the complete deregulation of the opening hours will revitalize the economy, and the market competition will reduce unemployment and inflation, will provide more negotiating powers for the employees, and improvement of quality of life for all.

Liberal Alliance's vision is a free market with simple but strict anti-cartel and public health laws, that will create rapid economic growth, and new jobs. Businesses are not alone any more, because Liberal Alliance will support them at their difficult effort to create wealth and to face the attacks from those who deny freedom.

The 'revolutionary' lifestyle of the past, destroys the present and future of young generation in Greece

Liberal Alliance press release 10 December 2008

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) has concluded that the tragic events of the recent days have revealed all the symptoms of an ailing society. The violence ingrained in the Greek State, responsible for the death of a young man, and the vandalism and pillaging that followed, prove the inability of the State to protect the life and property of Greek citizens, and the complete lack of competence of the Greek political leadership to confront the crisis.

The New Democracy Government, with a phenomenal inability let the situation to escalate to a point of total insecurity and collapse of the rule of law.
New Democracy's government have produced nothing but stagnation and disasters at education, health, protection of the environment. The dilemma pushed hard upon the Greek People, by New Democracy ' Karamanlis or Chaos', is no more….
Karamanlis is chaos.

The Greek opposition, lead by PASOK & the left, continue for decades to cultivate and promote a 'revolutionary-combative' lifestyle, that becomes more destructive the more revolutionary it is alleged.

A lifestyle that proved profitable for the generation that matured with the resistance against the Dictatorship (1967 - 1974) is sinking the new generation of 700 euros, into oblivion.

PASOK & the Greek Left, use the youth of this country as militants in a war to conserve the failing status quo, in schools, and Universities, and destroying any reforming effort, that can create wealth & jobs.

This 'revolutionary struggle', serves no one, other than the entrenched interests, in order to keep taking advantages, from their despair, in this context, the Leader of SYRIZA, (the Coalition of Radical Left) Mr. Alavanos, has placed the portraits of the dead young man next to the other 'martyrs' presenting him as an example to be followed.

Liberal Alliance calls on the young people to realize the nature of political games, are played against them.
Liberal Alliance calls on young people to reject this nihilistic lifestyle, that is placing them to the margins of society.

Liberal Alliance calls on young men & women of Greece, to choose between a course for reform that will reform Education and Economy for their benefit, or for a struggle that ensures a revolutionary course to poverty, deprivation, and even death.

The lack of the rule of law, reinforces violence and lack of accountability by the State

Liberal Alliance press release 7 December 2008

Within a few hours, two fundamental human rights, were violated by State Agents, in the harshest way. Once more, the Greek Police, attempted to cover its incompetence by turning the citizens against each other.
The only responsible party for the loss of life of the 16 year old young man, and the destruction of the shops and cars of our fellow citizens, is the Greek Police, that in the absence of the rule of law, is functioning by promoting state violence and leaving bands of people that destroy public and private property, with uncontrollable eruptions of violence.

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) calls on Greek citizens to react against a State that cannot, protect the inalienable human rights, and the State's attempt to hide its incompetence by dividing Greek Society.

Employment Protection: When the route to long-term unemployment is laid with good intentions.

Liberal Alliance press release 4 December 2008

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) considers that following recent proposals by Mr. Mihalos (president of the Greek Chamber of Industry and Commerce), a broad debate should commence for the real causes of unemployment and the ways to reduce it.

It is disappointing that Mr Mihalos' proposals, were rejected without any dialog, from all the major political parties, despite the fact that serious economic studies (Alpha Bank, Financial Report), prove that the lack of flexibility of labor market in various countries create high and persistent unemployment.

In this context European Union, promotes of flexibility and security (Flexicurity) for Europe. This system, was applied, first in Denmark, and it has been recognized, even by Workers Unions, that it has significantly unemployment.

So if labour flexibility can be the main tool for reducing unemployment why, the political establishment, rejects any discussion even for the limited flexibility by Mr. Mihalos?

For Liberal Alliance it is obvious, that the political establishment, Government and opposition parliamentary parties, could not care less about the unemployed, instead, they only care about the preservation of work privileges, of few civil sector workers groups that believe that any flexibility no matter how small will jeopardize their comfortable life.

It is becoming more and more apparent that any muttering from the political establishment about ' employment protection', implies the protection of the privileges of a small minority that leaves more and more people to unemployment and poverty.

Liberal Alliance proposes the abolition of civil servants tenure, a minimum guaranteed income for every Greek citizen and more flexible labour markets which will contribute to the revitalizing of the economy, and reduce unemployment

Reforms are the only effective response to the crisis

Liberal Alliance press release 13 November 2008

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) contents that the major political parties use the global financial crisis as an excuse dealing for populist stunts instead of dealing with it, seriously and responsibly. The Greek Government and the Opposition bid for the most spectacular spending splurge, and the most generous promises about redistribution of wealth to promote their supposed 'social sensitivity'.

Still none of those 'compassionate' politicians explains to the Greek people where the money will come from. It appears, that since they do not propose any measures to increase wealth and develop the economy, they are most likely to resort to their usual tactics of lending and sinking the government finances into more debt.

They are gravely misguided.

The disastrous mismanagement of the economy from the governments led by New Democracy and PASOK have accumulated a huge public debt the servicing of which, requires around 40 billion euros each year of new loans.

This annual borrowing is becoming even more unmanageable now, because of the recent increase to the spread of interest to 1.5 from 0.32 that it was at the beginning of the year. This means that whilst Germany is borrowing with an interest at 3.78%, Greece will borrow with an interest at 5.28% since October. This rate reflects the increasing unreliability of the Greek Government, to its creditors.
Greece's demotion to the countries with a high default risk combined with the limits set by the European Union's Stability Pact make the 'good intentions' of the 'compassionate' politicians impossible to fulfil.

Liberal Alliance believes that only economic growth through radical reforms can respond effectively to the crisis. Nuriel Roumbini, the economics professor of New York that became famous for predicting the global financial crisis, states that there is no alternative for Greece but to reform its economy.

Liberal Alliance proposes a different economic development model based in reforms implemented successfully all over the world. By applying Liberal Alliance proposals for the economy to the 'reforms simulator' of the World Bank, Greece's economy is placed at the ten most competitive economies in the world from the 100th position it is today.

Liberal Alliance proposes that the best protection of the citizens against this and future crisis is achieved by improving the competitiveness of the Greek economy.

1000 euros per day per patient the cost at the Greek State hospitals where healthcare is 'free'.

Liberal Alliance press release 23 September 2008

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) points out to the Greek Citizens, that according to reliable sources (letter of former minister of Health, Mr Solomos, to newspaper Kathimerini (16/9/2008), the daily cost per patient, at the public hospital has reached 1000 euros. This is how much every taxpayer pays, for each day he spends at State Hospitals of the 'Public Free Healthcare'.

Just at the Healthcare Fund for Civil Servants, according to recent press stories, it was concluded that 40% of the expenses were non-existent, prompting, a legal action, against the managers of the fund.

The cost of this 'virtual' spending, only for 2007, arose to 300 million euros, and this spending was tolerated by the union representatives of ADEDY (Civil Sector Workers Union), who were members of the board of the Healthcare and Insurance Fund.

This outrageous waste, the mismanagement, unlawful actions, and lack of transparence, at the purchasing of medicine, and other materials, and salaries, have lead to the current dead end. It has become apparent that the main cause for this, is the heavy involvement by the State to the provision of Healthcare, a State that is unable to conduct good management, enforcing the laws contrary to the above tasks, with a consensus by all main parties, wastes the Greek taxpayer's money to benefit a few organised special interests and favorable businesses.

Liberal Alliance proposes the complete independence and autonomy of all the Healthcare, Education and Insurance Institutions, so that citizens can choose the Healthcare, Insurance and Education provider they prefer.

Liberal Alliance proposals includes a personal healthcare allowance provided by the State, instead of taxing the citizens for the benefit of State monopolies from which they will find their way to few privileges groups and established political parties.

'Public Data Our Data' for complete, reliable and useful information for the Greek Citizens

Liberal Alliance press release 11 September 2008

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) support the citizen's initiative for free access to Public Data, ' Public Data Our Data' (or 4Ds from the acronym of the Greek phrase).

It is commonly accepted that there is lack of transparency in Greece with incidents of plundering of public property, be they taxpayer's money or state owned assets, are part of everyday life.

The Citizen's initiative 4Ds brings hope of defiance and responsibility in this malign climate.

Liberal Alliance supports the 4Ds initiative and believes that citizen's access to public data, responds to the need for transparency, eases and promotes research and innovation and can lead to services that can better suit the citizens, encourages bottom-up activities and finally provides an effective check on the authorities.

The Greek Government has disregarded for decades the citizen's right to access public information whilst has constantly attempted to acquire citizens' private information, violating their right to privacy.

Greek Government's attitude to consider the Greek Citizens its ' subjects', violates a number of international guidelines and EU Directives such as Directive 2003/98/EK-Use of Public Sector Data. Everybody is convinced that the Government withholds information about its activities and this makes any Government's statement been seen as totally unreliable, aiming at the deceit of the Greek Citizens and/or European Union.

Liberal Alliance believes the State does not have a legitimate entitlement to receive money from the taxpayer or manage a public asset, unless, it provides a detailed account of its activities and the use of the taxes.

Such accounts when published must be accompanied by the appraisal of an independent authority on matters of Data Accuracy and the value of money that was accomplished.

However it is in this context that Liberal Alliance points out that any initiative demanding free access to information will not achieve its desired goals. If it is not accompanied by radical reform of the Government's role so that public information will not only be accessible but also complete, reliably and truly useful for its citizens.

Liberal Alliance's manifesto proposes all the necessary measures for the above purpose.

Economy free from State meddling- for less corrupt free-riders in politics

Liberal Alliance press release 5 September 2008

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) will join its forces and defend any citizens or politicians who with their actions of defiance and resistance, help the acceleration of the collapse of the current corrupt political establishment.

Prime Minister's threats for striking out of his party, and for calling early elections in case any MP votes against a Government bill, reveal the dire political situation that he is in, because of the corruption scandals that members of his cabinet see the light of publicity almost daily.

Most of these scandals involve politicians accused of getting richer by running State-owned Businesses and Funds, and by the entanglement of these with dubious private businesses, where the same politicians have an interest in.

For Liberal Alliance corruption will continue as long as the State maintains its business activities and as long as a political career means easy access to wealth but no guaranty of punishment.

It is becoming more and more clear that as long as State controls Companies, Pension Funds, Health and Education, holding public office will yield power that can be easily abused.

A career in politics attracts the populist and the free-rider resulting in the current penury of expertise and principles of today's Greek political establishment.

Liberal Alliance submits that the withdrawal of the State from every business activity it is currently involved with, will deprive the ulterior motives for any unscrupulous politicians currently found in all the political parties as the State will no longer possess this amount of wealth. A politician's reason to enter politics should not be to escape from poverty or to satisfy their greed.

Implementing Liberal Alliance's proposals for the Economy will redefine the role of the politician not as someone who serves his own career development and finances but as someone who serves public interest. It is only logical that as political activity drains on one's resources with out tangible benefit for one's shelf that a career in politics will result in someone getting poorer not richer.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Communist Party of Greece: A Political Party-Business for a Political Party-State in a totalitarian regime

Liberal Alliance press release 17 July 08

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) states, in the most emphatic terms, that the business activity of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE from its Greek Acronym), raises new issues for the way democratic institutions function in Greece.

According to KKE itself, this political party is involved in business activities, beyond its political functions. This is stated at article 45 of its Charter.
KKE has rejected any calls for openness and transparency of its business activities, and as Mrs Papariga, Secretary General of the KKE , only the 'the proletariat's worker's movement' can check on the profits of these business activities and the way the profits are spend.

Liberal Alliance considers business activities by political parties, inconsistent with their political role and raises questions about the way KKE's MPs legislate at Parliament, particularly in case where they called to approve or reject laws that may affect the profitability of its business.

For Liberal Alliance, KKE's business activities, in conjunction with their secrecy ('Typoekdotiki' the printing company being the only known one), are as scandalous as the bribing of senior officials of New Democrasy and PASOK, by Siemens.

KKE's scandal reveals that the parliamentary parties, act for their own benefit, helping friendly businesses like Siemens or companies run by Party Officials as in the case of the telecommunication company 'Germanos', instead of legislating (and when in power to govern) with only the public interest in mind.

KKE's reaction with threats and insults against anyone that questions its finances cannot distract from its repulsive reality.

Liberal Alliance, does not recognize any alibi at KKE, and does not hesitate to place it along with the Far Right and Nationalist circles to the forces of the 'grey-red' front, that aims to the abolition of Democracy in Greece and the imposition of a totalitarian regime, where the Party will control the Government, the economy and the life of its citizens. In this context, the support to KKE by former members the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE), currently, leaders of SYRIZA (Coalition of Radical Left), proves that SURIZA have not denounced completely the totalitarian ideological roots.

For Liberal Alliance it is obvious that the current political establishment from Left to Right, protects those that stand against progress and prosperity of the Greek Citizens. Liberal Alliance will be at the side of everyone, businesses, and employers, that will decide to right politically for the reversal of the current malign situation.

It’s time to reform Higher Education in Greece.

Liberal Alliance press release 19 May 08

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) opposes and protests against the 'closure and occupation' of Greek Universities, as this is one more step to the disintegration of Higher Education in Greece.

Liberal Alliance considers the previous law where Student Unions could practically choose the University authorities, without consulting the students, were empowering beyond any reason, Student activists to endorse any lecturer in exchange for benefits and privileges.

Political Student Unions who oppose the free election of University authorities, prove their totalitarian culture and that their main goal is to protect their own privileges in controlling universities.

The imposition of a climate of fear and violence against students, lecturers, administration personnel, has resulted in the slow death of the Greek Universities . Whilst the services offered by the Greek Universities plunge in new depths, their cost at the tax payers expense is increasing more and more.

Liberal Alliance believes the situation can be reversed, only if radical reforms are implemented, which will enhance the competition among Greek universities. The reforms Liberal Alliance proposes can be implemented immediately as they are in accordance with Article 16 of Greek constitution (which still wrongfully mandates that Higher Education should be provided exclusively by the State). In particular Liberal Alliance proposes:

1. The establishment of economic and administrative independence for University and Colleges and the granting of freedom to choose the contents of their educational program and set their charter. Every College or University should be free to cooperate with other foreign educational organization or private organization and accept donations.

2. The freedom for every student to choose the institution he wants to study.

3. Replacing the unaccountable and obscure manner of current financing of the Universities, with paying the Universities in accordance with the number of students that wish to study at it. It is estimated that the cost of 'free education in Greece' is 4,000 euros per year. Any Universities or Colleges not preferred by students (perhaps because lefty student militants have shut them down or are interrupting classes) will be deprived of funds and they will be forced to merge with successful institutions.

Liberal Alliance proposals for Higher Education in Greece are addressed to Mr. Stylianidis (Minister of Education in Greece) and members of the Greek Parliament. They are also addressed to Greek taxpayers, who do not accept the waste of public money and demand decent higher education and a better future for their children.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New appeal by Liberal Alliance to European commission

Liberal Alliance press release 15 May 08

With its recent press release (12.05.08) Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) explained how the recent Public Utility Vehicles Driver’s strike in Greece, is against the best interests of Greek Society. Liberal Alliance believes the extortion Greeks face by strong unions is perversely protected by state legislation and the political establishment

Liberal Alliance considers that the lack of free market in transportation services is one of the main reasons for the high cost of living for Greeks, as the cost is not based in the market prices but in political favoritism and extortion which is often accompanied by violence.

For Liberal Alliance this situation is intolerable. Today Liberal Alliance has appealed again to the E.U. Commission, this time requesting the true liberalization of the Public Utility Driver's licensing regime.

Liberal Alliance believes that the Businesses must have the freedom to choose the means that supply their goods.

Liberal Alliance' appeal to European Commission notes that the laws protecting the profession of Public Utility Vehicle Drivers in Greece, infringe on articles 14 and 28 of European Treaty about the freedom of movement for goods but also infringes on article 43 about freedom of establishing business. Liberal Alliance's appeal makes particular reference to the sensitive issue of the laws regulating the storage, transportation and distribution of oil products

Liberal Alliance requests from the European Commission the use of all the legal actions possible for the abolition of protectionist practices at this sector. The liberalization, of the transportation services, will reduce the high cost of living in Greece due to the increase of competition and the reduction in transportation costs.

Liberal Alliance proves that its first concern is the prosperity of the Greek family, and accuses Greek parliamentary parties for populism and hiding the reasons behind the high cost of living.

Public Utility Vehicle Drivers go on a strike (again): Greek Society (once more) suffers.

Liberal Alliance press release 12 May 08

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) shares the exasperation of Greek citizens as they continue to suffer from the recent strike of the powerful lobby of the Public Utility Vehicle Drivers.
One of the results from the strike, has been the skyrocketing of the petrol prices to 1.59 Euro per litre as petrol stations to run out of petrol. Liberal alliance outlines the risk for Athens to be once more drawn in piles of rubbish as Rubbish Collection vehicles have petrol for just one more day.

The Public Utility Vehicles in Greece operate under a strict Licensing regime controlled by the Greek Government. Under this form of blatant protectionism, the Greek Ministry of Transport defines the annual rise for rates, which often conflict with the licensed drivers' interests who in their turn go on strike. The strikes often end in violence and illegal actions by the organized pressure groups, which violently block private owned lorries and other vehicles, to supply the petrol stations. The incidents of terrorizing and thuggery go unpunished as the parliamentary parties are entangled with these pressure groups.

The lack of free market results in the low quality and the high cost of transportation services the cost of which is transferred to the Greek consumer of the transferred goods. Liberal Alliance condemns the hypocrisy of Greek parliamentary parties for hiding the true reason for this battering of the income of Greek citizens, while they preach for it.

Liberal Alliance supports the abolition of this antiquated regime, which will give a final blow to the extortion of Greek society from one more special interests group. Deregulation will lead to the reduction of high transportation services in Greece, as the sector will face the competitive European transportation market.

EU Commission accepts Liberal Alliance's argument for free markets and more competition

Liberal Alliance press release 07.05.08

Following an appeal by Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals), the European Commission, issued a notification to the Greek Government, stating that the Greek law no 3631/2008, forbidding Individuals or Private companies to acquire shares valued more than 20% in state companies without governmental license, does not comply with EU law.

In its letter, the Commission notes that 3631/2008 Act does not comply with article 56 of European treaty about free capital movement and article 43 about freedom of establishment. The Commission accepts the arguments stated in Liberal Alliance's appeal to the committee at 20th February 2008. Liberal Alliance acknowledges with satisfaction, the Commissions' position against this law, which obstructs the privatization of state companies and limit free markets in Greece.

Liberal Alliance will continue to campaign, taking legal action if necessary, for the overthrow of State-funded economic and the associated political system, which creates unemployment, corruption, and holds back investments, forcing young people to stagnation.


-7th December 2007:The Greek Minister of Finance submits the Act to the Greek Parliament, which forbids private companies and individuals to acquire more that 20% of state companies shareholdings without Government's approval.
-9th December 2007: Liberal Alliance issues a letter appealing to EU Commission for its intervention as the new act infringes upon the basic articles of the European treaty about freedom of Capital movement.
-15th January 2008: Greek Parliament votes in favor of 3631/2008 Act.
-6th February 2008: Commissioner McCreevy responds to Liberal Alliance with a letter noting “ I fully understand and share your worry about the consequences to the freedom of capital movements in European Union“.
-20th February 2008: Liberal Alliance submits additional evidence to the EU Commission, to support that the 3631/2008 Act constitutes an infringement of article 56 about freedom of movement but also breakage of article 43 about freedom of settlement.
-7 May 2008: European commissioner McCreevy contests the validity of 3631/2008 Act.

Subordination of Greek political and energy autonomy to Putin’s Gasprom

Liberal Alliance press release 05 May 08

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) submits its reservations for the new deal by Karamanlis-Putin in the energy sector. According to Greek Prime Minister’s statements to the ITAR-TASS news agent “Greece will be consuming 7 billion cubic meters of Natural Gas by the end of 2015 and the 80% of this amount will be provided by Russia“.

If Mr. Karamanalis’ statement comes true, then Greece will be almost wholly dependent for its Natural Gas to Russia and especially to one company, Gazprom. This dependency for which Mr. Karamanlis is so proud cannot be considered a positive development as it will lead to a monopoly in Natural Gas supply, therefore the apparent lack of free market and competition will add another burden to the cost of Greek's everyday life.

In addition to the negative results for the cost of living for Greek households, the reliance to Russia in such a strategic sector as energy will have diplomatic consequences as it will diminish Greek bargaining power in case there is need to go against Russian interests. Liberal Alliance reminds to the case of “Ukraine New year 2006” when Russia shut the Gas supply because Ukraine refused to pay an increase in gas prices, from $50 to $230 per cubic meter. This rise, was a result of western oriented “Orange Revolution” whereas the dictatorial government of Belarus who is a loyal ally of Moscow had no similar problem. The interruption of gas supply was highly perceptible by countries that are more dependent in energy to Russia than Greece.

The silence by the parliamentary opposition in this matter can be traced to the anti-American culture, which every Greek parliamentary party has. But Liberal Alliance contents that it goes deeper than this. It is a nostalgic by certain leftist parties to the Soviet era, and they believe the rise of Putin’s totalitarianism will roll back Greek politics to a soviet state control and will distance Greek from the western liberal democracy. Is this what Greeks wish? If that is the case, then the road to serfdom is free…

Liberal Alliance supports the Liberal democracy and wishes the highest possible dissemination of Energy suppliers, giving priority to the exploitation of renewable energy sources and the research of the use of nuclear energy.

Abolition of compulsory military service and formation of a Professional Army for Greece

Liberal Alliance press release 30 April 08

Liberal Alliance (Greek Liberals) opposes the Greek Government's new policy for compulsory draft at the early age of 18 as this is one more blatant intervention of the Greek State to the private lives of its Citizens. Furthermore the Greek Ministry of Defense rational, that this policy will improve the defense of the country because, will increase the Greek Army with 30,000 conscripts, proves that the Greek Government, operates with a 'Second World War' mindset considered obsolete at the dawn of 21 century.

Liberal Alliance contends that modern warfare cannot rely on a conscripts' Army and for this reason believes that the formation of a professional army is essential for the National Defense of Greece.

Liberal Alliance supports that only highly trained professionals can face the practical, technological and logistic demands of modern warfare. For operational requirements that need large number of soldiers, Liberal Alliance proposes the creation of National Guard by volunteers, offering a number of benefits as incentive. In peacetime, the National Guard will be able to offer ancillary services to the main Army or participate to the Civil Defense.

Liberal Alliance calls on Greek citizens and young people who are mostly affected by this arcane institution, to ally with its campaign for abolition of compulsory military service.