28.03.08- Liberal Alliance press release
Liberal Alliance (Greek liberals) points out that the opposition's behavior was nothing more than a show of populism and demagoguery during the public and parliamentary debate for the new Social Security Law
Unfortunately this escalating confrontation between PASOK and SYRIZA, for the price of the supreme populist party, have overshadowed the discussion of a new Law that keeps every bit of the pathology of the same system that leads Greece's Social Security system to insolvency.
A Social Security system, that the Council of Ministers of the European Union during a recent statement doubts the viability of Greece's public finances because of the implications of an aging population.
Against this mockery of a reform proposed by New Democracy, PASOK and SYRIZA have not articulate a positive political argument, nor do they present their own serious and viable alternatives. Worse, they attempt with a motion of confidence and the collection of signature for 'referendum' to cover their inability to present a serious proposal for a serious matter.
SYRIZA's proposal for a referendum on Social Security, lacks any democratic sensitivity as the ones that will oppose any change of the status quo have a disproportionately greater power over the ones that will shoulder the economic cost like the young workers and anyone who is not old enough to vote.
Once more the political establishment proves that it cares for nothing else, other than the plundering and sharing of an omnipresent and gargantuan State and cannot bother for submission of proposals that will solve the citizens' problems.
The recent events also prove without doubt the inadequacy, of the Politicians of the big Political Parties that have risen either through family connections and name recognition or by serving loyally political party and worker's union bureaucracies, politicians that have no qualifications whatsoever to deal with today's complex issues.
Liberal Alliance has submitted to Greek Parliament and to the public, its proposals for the Social Security and will keep on propagate them in the coming years.
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